A loose leaf diary detailing WD Walker's daily life including study, medical duties, travel and personal routine. This item covers locations around ukDigby (United Kingdom) and environs.
References to photographs taken include:
- S/Ldr and Mrs Barber and family at ukDigby 30 April 1933
- unidentified trophies at Exhibition of Sporting Trophies 19 May 1933
- sewerage farm, the camp and tents at ukDigby 29 May 1933
Individuals, subject matter and locations noted include:
- Hitler predicted to be a disaster for Germany, Cambridge boat race, Mollie, Mr Tann, HSW, Mrs Drage 1 April 1933
- Mrs Hayes 1 April 1933. This item is restricted.
- Jeary, F/I Pearson, Slattery, Mrs Hayes, dirigible Akron, flying lesson, Avro, Mr Tann 4 April 1933. This item is restricted.
- Group Captain Iredale 5 April 1933
- Mrs Hayes, Jeary, Carden, aircraft crash 6 April 1933. This item is restricted.
- F/O Woodhouse, Venereal Disease (VD), John Harston 7 April 1933. This item is restricted.
- copy of letter addressed the Stores Officer relating to the use of a sterilizer dated 3 March 1933. Reverse further letter dated 25 March 1933. Annotated 'Not sent'
- F/O Woodhouse, camera 9 April 1933
- Peter May, Mollie, flying lesson, Bredenkamp, Mr Christy 10 April 1933
- Paul Deacon, flying lesson, Squadron Leader Barber 11 April 1933
- Mrs Bishop 12 April 1933. This item is restricted.
- Cranwell, Wing Commander Huntley, Slattery, F/O Overbury, MacCulloch 13 April 1933
- Major Jones 14 April 1933
- F/Lt Gayman, Baden Powell, F/O McCulloch, Peter May, F/O Overhury, Slatterley, Stowell and Llelwelyn, Lancaster, Robiano, Miss Jean Batten, Bertram, Jim Mollison, Luffhansa, Australian Airways, Imperial Airways, The Akron, 'City of Liverpool,' Cyril Unwins, Agello, Stainforth, Macchi, Malcolm Campbell, Garwood, Miss England, Miss America 15 April 1933
- F/O McCulloch 17 April 1933
- purchased flying clothing at Wainwrights, Mrs Blackall 18 April 1933
- Mr Christy, Mr Tann, Wing Commander Cowton, HSW, Digby 19 April 1933
- F/Lt Powell, Cranwell, Wing Commander Huntley 20 April 1933
- Sgt Whitwell, F/Lt Major, S/Ldr Barber, Clydesdale, Blacker, McIntyre 21 April 1933
- S/Ldr Dallison, F/Lt Smythies, F/Lt Gaynor, Venereal disease, pouched mouse, wallabies 22 April 1933
- S/Ldr Rhodes, Armstrong Whitworth Jaguar engine, S/Ldr Dallison, F/Lt Gaynor, F/O Homer 24 April 1933
- Cranwell 25 April 1933
- medical examination of 80 pilots, F/O Woodhouse, Col Blacker, Sir Henry Royce, financial position 26 April 1933
- Sgt Whitwell flying training 27 April 1933
- Peter May, Sgt Bredenkamp 28 April 1933
- F/Lt Major, Mollie, Private Wilson 30 April 1933
- Geoffry Selmund, F/Lt Toogood, F/Lt Gaynor 1 May 1933
- F/I Pearson, S/Ldr Barber, F/Lt Major, F/O Homer, Rouston, MacDonald, Boby Stowell 2 May 1933
- Cranwell, Wing Commander Huntley, finger injury, Sir Harold Gillies, S/Ldr Morton, F/Lt Major, Tuberculosis, F/Lt Smythies 3 May 1933
- S/Ldr Barber, Air Vice Marshall Longmore 4 May 1933
- S/Ldr Barber, F/Lt Nicholetts 5 May 1933. This item is restricted.
- 2 foolscap roneoed sheets, after orders to Daily Routine Orders dated 3 May 1933 providing programme for annual inspection by the Air Officer Commanding Inland Area; and Daily Routine Orders dated 3 May 1933 for No. 2 Flying Training School, ukDigby, list of pilots
- S/Ldr Barber, F/Lt Titmas, Mrs Titmas and Vivian, S/Ldr Butler, Temple Bruer 6 May 1933. This item is restricted.
- S/Ldr Barber, Gaynor, AC Laws, Cranwell 7 May 1933. This item is restricted.
- S/Ldr Butler, Webb, MacCulloch, F/I Pearson, S/Ldr Barber 8 May 1933. This item is restricted.
- Wing Commander Cowton in relation to recreation leave, F/O Overbury, Stowell, MacCulloch 9 May 1933. This item is restricted.
- foolscap list of pilots for annual medical examination at Digby for 8 to 16 May 1933
- annotated roneoed foolscap list of pilots for medical examination and confidential report at ukDigby for the period 15 to 26 May 1933
- Peter May, P/O Young, P/O Tomlinson medical examination, S/Ldr Barber 10 May 1933. This item is restricted.
- F/O Woodhouse, Hosford, Mr Christy 11 May 1933. This item is restricted.
- MacCulloch, Group Captain Maund, Mrs Maund, Peter May, F/O Overbury 12 May 1933
- F/Lt Toogood, P/O Tomlinson, Young, F/O Woodhouse, MacCulloch, F/O Overbury, Mollie, Clarrie Johnson, S/Ldr Barber 13 May 1933. This item is restricted.
- Clarrie Johnson, John Young, Mrs Baldock, Mrs Nash 14 May 1933. This item is restricted.
- Group Captain Maund, MacCulloch, Sleaford, F/Lt Toogood 15 May 1933. This item is restricted.
- Mr Elmslie, St Bartholomew's, Mr Tann, Dr Morgan, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Rosina Woolmer, Fragilitas 16 May 1933. This item is restricted.
- Mr Elmslie, St Bartholomew's, finger surgery, Dr Morgan, Dr McNab, Denis Browne, Rex Hilton, Freddie LeMesurier, Eddie Cantor, The Kid from spSpain 17 May 1933. This item is restricted.
- Mr Elmslie, St Bartholomew's, Mr Christy, JA Mollison, 'The Ashes,' Sir John Foster Fraser, cricket controversy over bowling 18 May 1933
- flying lesson with F/Lt Toogood, MacCulloch 19 may 1933
- Satterley, John Barber 20 May 1933. This item is restricted.
- John Barber, Harrison, Grantham 21 May 1933. This item is restricted.
- flying lesson with F/Lt Toogood, S/Ldr Barber 22 May 1933
- carbon copy of notice regarding a Lecture by Dr Howard Carter at Cranwell on 'The Tomb of Tutankh-amen,'
- flying lesson with F/Lt Toogood, S/Ldr Dalison 23 May 1933
- Mr Christy, Aunty Lizzie 24 May 1933
- flying lesson with F/Lt Toogood, lectures on Service Hygene 26 May 1933
- Mrs Carter, Mrs Greenwood, John Flynn, Margaret Prichard, St Thomas' Hospital, Aerial Medical Service 27 May 1933. This item is restricted.
- Mrs Greenwood 28 May 1933. This item is restricted.
- Sgt Cockburn, read Bottomley's Astounding Career 29 May 1933
- flying lesson with F/Lt Toogood, Wing Commander Biggs, epidemiology of air travel, kangaroo, F/Lt Titmas, Mrs Maund, Sgt Crothall 31 May 1933
- broucher ukLincoln Cathedral Notes, Nugent Linconl and Dr Norwood underlined in red, dated June 1933
Creator: Dr William Delano Walker
Control: AA 357/4/15/2
Date Range:
01 April, 1933
01 January, 1933
Formats: Newspaper Clippings, Diaries, Indexes