A loose leaf diary detailing WD Walker's daily life including study, medical duties, travel and personal routine. This item covers locations around Adelaide South Australia.
References to photographs taken include:
- various native animals at Humbug Scrub (taken ANZAC Day) 2 May 1926
Individuals, subject matter and locations noted include:
- Ray Kaines, Mollie, Cyril McCarthy, Syd Cocks, Co Cockburn, John Cramp, Chin Chinner, Little Lennie Chester, App,les Appleby, Denys Hornabrook, Gammey Hamilton, Silent Bill Blackney, Roley Rollinson, Smith, Crusty Prest, Rob Fox, Aubrey Lewis, Alan Jones, Dr Slkeeman, Mr Botting, Miss Harald, Miss Daw, Sister Ingram, Sister Kitoon, Dr Morris 22 April 1926
- Bailey, Mollie, D'arcy Cowan, Aubrey Lewis, Dr Sleeman, Pa Horn, Denis Hornabrook, Dr Rollison, Dr Cockburn, Ray Kaines, Mrs Alexander, Kath, Humburg Scrub, Field Naturalists Society, Mrs Anderson (nee Nurse Hambridge) 2 May 1926