Previously accessioned as D3/6
A loose leaf diary detailing Mrs Walker's daily life including travel and personal routine. This item covers locations around London, ukDigby and ukLincoln England.
Detailed descriptions of industrial plant etc visited include:
- Sound City Shepperton 1 July 1933
References to photographs taken include:
- ukDigby church and cemetery etc 13 August 1933
- wheat, elevators ukDigby 16 August 1933
- ukLincoln Foss Dyke, swans at Glory Hole, ukLincoln cathederal from Observatory Tower 3 September 1933
Individuals, subject matter and locations noted include:
- Mrs Sonch, Mrs Townley Jr, Mrs Townley Sr, Mrs Ritchie, Mrs Pike, Mrs Collins, Mrs Darbyshire, Mrs Blackall, Miss Francis, Shirley Darbyshire, Mr Mollison, Miss Christie, Miss Roxburgh, Miss Flett 28 June 1933
- Miss Christie, Mrs Smartt 29 June 1933
- Mrs Lionel Hill, Mrs Whitelaw, Mrs Blackall, Mrs Smartt, Miss Christie 30 June 1933
- Shepperton, Lytton Manor, Lord Leigh, Mr Will Day, John Loder, C Clarkson, Capt Knight, eagles, Miss Christie 1 July 1933
- Mrs de Giers, Zona, Miss Christie, Mrs Thrower 2 July 1933
- Margaret Aldersley 3 July 1933
- Zona, Kenneth Gilkes, Miss Hall, Aunty Nell, Uncle Jim, Mrs. Pennington, Mrs Newman 5 August 1933
- HSW (Photographic processors), Royal Photographic Society (RPS), mopoke 6 August 1933
- HSW (Photographic processors), Mr Blacklock 7 August 1933
- ukDigby, Aunty Nell, Mr Kirby, Mrs Lambert 8 August 1933
- Titmas 9 August 1933
- Mrs Lambert 12 August 1933
- Mrs Lambert, ukDigby 13 August 1933
- Squadron Leader Rhodes, Squadron Leader Barber 17 August 1933
- Scopwich, Drimington 19 August 1933
- gypsy cart 23 August 1933
- Cranwell, Squadron Leader Coch 28 August 1933
- ukLincoln, Woolworths, Marks and Spencer 3 September 1933
- Air Ministry contract expires 15 September, Royal Cripples Hospital, Birmingham 4 September 1933
- Group Captain Maund 6 September 1933
- North Weald, Mr CR Martin, Wembley, Dr Elizabeth Jenkins, Wing Commander Biggs, Grantham 11 September 1933