Black pencil sketch man's head annotated "Imitation of the bovol of a pepe carved by a boy aged 14 out of stone, the boy is the son of a native of the Larrakeah tribe Port Darwin. In the possession of V Solomon Esq INS".
9 photogrphs or drawings: sepia photograph of 8 spear throwers; sepia photograph of 2 clubs annotated in red "Waddies"; sepia photograph of 2 boomerangs annotated "Western Australian kileys or boomerangs"; sepia photograph of a sword annotated in red ink "Native sward"; sepia photograph of a sward annotated "Native sword 4' 6" long 3 1/2 ' wide and 1/2" thick"; sepia photograph of a string ornament annotated "The Quipu"; sepia photograph of 3 stone implements, 1. annotated "Spear head bottle glass sierrated Kimberley WA", 2. annotated "Spear head of white Sueesclosonic quartz, Kimberley WA", 3. "Spear head of smoky quartz Kimberley WA"; 2 spearheads annotated "Spearhead white opaque quartzitge Kimberley WA".
7 drawings and a photograph: drawing tree burial annotated "Native bier Port Essington"; drawing greave annotated in red ink "Native grave"; drawng 6 elipses with word 'tomb' in center; drawing tree burial; drawing of a man and two rounded shelters annotated in red "C"; drawing of as cone shaped shelter annotated in red "D"; photograph of boat on river.
8 photographs and 4 drawings: 9 shields; 7 sheilds side on; 3 shields; 2 shilds annotgated "Queensland shileds"; 1 shield annotated in red "Bark shields"; `1 ornament annotated in red "No. 227 shell ornament"; knife annotated "Australian knife of quartzite and sheath of bark"; drawing of shield annotated "Shield with snake pa NT"; drawing annotated "Markings on model canoe"; drawing of ornament annotated "a turtle back, on which ae painted broad red lines, borders with white dots. It is used in some ceremony which the blacks will not reveal"; drawing three ornaments annotated "Pearl shel ornaments from Western Australia".
6 photographs and a drawing: sepia of several bush shelters"; photograph of map of river annotated "Supposed native tombs discovered on the NW coast of New Holland 1 April 1838"; photograph annotated "Native body in a gum tree"; photograph group of Australian Aboriginal people; photograph of group of Australian Aboriginal people at a burial site annotated "The nearest relatives"; Body in tree annotated "Dead body on a platform or stage"; drawing of a fenced grave annotated "Eliman grave fence".
3 drawings (some over pasted); 4 obscured drawing covered by a standing man with boomerang; rock decorations (in red); canoe tree.
3 drawings: black, yellow and red; group of kangaroos and emus; man's head.
4 sepia photographs: Australian Aboriginal man annotated in red "Native fully armed"; two Australian Aboriginal people wearing skin cloaks; Australian Aboriginal man with spear and shiled annotated "Armed native"; Australian Aboriginal man with bookerang annotated "Pl64 hg2 Prepared to throw boomerang".
8 drawings and a photograph: 2 spears; unidentified weapon; fishing spear; close up of spear head; detail of barbs; oven annotated "Native oven near the outlet of Vatchaw Swamp near Hamilton"; 7 stones; a stone; photograph fishing from boats.
8 drawings and a photograph: basket; basket with handle; bell basket; basket with handle; bottle shaped basket; 4 small baskets; basket with carrier handles; group photograph Australian Aborignal people annotated "A group of native pearl divers west Australia" from the Illustrated Sydney News 23 May 1891.
5 drawings and 2 photographs Australian Aboriginal heads: Profile man with scars asnnoptated "238 Brisbane River tribe"; profile man with hair up annotted "Man of New South Wales"; profile man with scars annotated "234 Warrirer of the Mount Barker tribe"; profile man with hair up annotated "Peron, 231 The Chignon"; portrait man with scars annotatged "Man of the Adelaide tribe S Australia"; photograph profile man with scarf annotated "Head dress of S Australia native'; profile woman with scars annotated "241, Niam-Niam girl, Equatorial African".
2 photographs, 4 drawings: photograph large stone; photograph knife annotated "native chisel"; 2 handles annotated "4 front view", and "5 edge view"; drawing stone axe heads annotated "5 stone axe heads"; 12 drawings spears and detail of head; 22 drawings shieds and waddies,
5 drawings and 4 photographs: 2 decorated items annotated "Wood carving by a blackfellow, the exact size of the originals"; 2 message sticks annotated "Message sticks from Queensland"; 2 drawings annotated "Apron of feathers"; 3 photographs carved stick heads; photograph "Apron of hair"; photograph 4 message sticks annotated "Two specimens of message stick from Queensland"; 3 nets annotated "Head fillets for confining the hair".