Ngadlu tampinthi ngadlu Kaurna Miyurna yartangka. Munaintya puru purruna ngadlu-itya. Munaintyanangku yalaka tarrkarriana tuntarri.
We acknowledge we are on Kaurna Miyurna land. The Dreaming is still living. From the past, in the present, into the future, forever.
This series contains, photographs, acetate negatives, nitrate negatives and lantern slides.
AA 42/1
Photographs include the following:
'Very shy girl, Mann Range, Central Australia'. Written in verso on NB Tindale hand.
Quantity 1 (1 x print)
'Pitjandjara Tribe natives from Mann Range, taken in Musgrave Range, South Australia'. Written on verso in NB Tindale hand.
Quantity 3 (1 x print, 2 x negatives)
'Boy spearing bird, Ulparra'. Written on verso in NB Tindale hand.
Quantity 3 (1 x print, 2 x negatives)
'Everard Range, 1929'. Aboriginal boy. Written on verso in NB Tindale hand.
Quantity 2 (1 x print, 1 x negatives)
'Testing for rabbits, Kalpira Waterhole, Musgrave Range, Pitjandjara Tribe'. Written on verso in NB Tindale hand.
Quantity 2 (1 x print, 1 x negatives)
'Everard Range, 1929, Camel boy in foreground'. Written on verso in NB Tindale hand.
Quantity 1 (1 x print)
'Everard Range, 1929'. Aboriginal woman and children standing. Written on verso in NB Tindale hand.
Quantity 1 (1 x print)
'Everard Range, 1929'. Aboriginal man standing with spear. Written on verso in NB Tindale hand.
Quantity 1 (1 x print)
Aboriginal woman and children sitting in camp. Same as RM Williams (see AA 623) photograph 4000. Written on verso in NB Tindale hand.
Quantity 3 (1 x print, 2 x negatives)
Aboriginal man with dead kangaroo on his head and boy standing. Same as RM Williams photograph 7537. Written on verso in NB Tindale hand.
Quantity 3 (1 x print, 2 x negatives)
'Tomkinson Range, Tiezi Soakage'. Aboriginal man sitting with spearthrower. Written on verso in NB Tindale hand.
Quantity 1 (1 x print)
'Jankundjara children asleep, Musgrave Range, south side'. Written on verso in NB Tindale hand.
Quantity 3 (1 x print, 2 x negatives)
Aboriginal boy running towards seated men and women. Same as RM Williams photo 4007. Written on verso in NB Tindale hand.
Quantity 2 (1 x print, 1 x negatives)
'Pitjandjara tribe, Tomkinson Range'. Aboriginal men and women in camp. Same as RM Williams photograph 4001. Written on verso in NB Tindale hand.
Quantity 3 (1 x print, 2 x negatives)
'Kangaroo cooking, Pitjandjara tribe'. Written on verso in NB Tindale hand.
Quantity 3 (1 x print, 2 x negatives)
Aboriginal boy digging for rabbits? Written on verso in NB Tindale hand.
Quantity 3 (1 x print, 2 x negatives)
'Child running, Musgrave Range, Central Australia'. Written on verso in NB Tindale hand.
Quantity 1 (1 x print)
'Pitjandjara Tribe, Mirunbana Waterhole, western end of Musgrave Range, western horde (Wilurara kungka]'. Written on verso in NB Tindale hand.
Quantity 1 (1 x print)
'Honey gathering, MacDonald Downs, Central Australia'. Note Tindale's (see AA 338) comment: 'may be from A. F. Brumby, Musgrave Range'. Same as RM Williams photograph 4008. Written on verso in NB Tindale hand.
Quantity 2 (1 x print, 1 x negatives)
'Mt Olga. Bun-shaped hills. This snap when joined to the other gives a complete view of Mt Olga from the north.' Formerly Acc. No. 2137. Written on verso in NB Tindale hand and other writing from unknown hand.
Quantity 1 (1 x print)
'[illegible] soakage with Mt [K]intore in the distance 27-4-29' written in pen. 'Photo A Brumby' written in verso in NB Tindale hand.
Quantity 1 (1 x print)
'drawings on the walls at Liezii soakage. 7-5-29' written on verso. 'Photo A Brumby' written on verso in NB Tindale hand.
Quantity 1 (1 x print)
'100m west of musgrave corobori meeting' written on nitrate negative in NB Tindale hand. Group of six men, some are holding rabbits in hand.
Quantity 2 (1 x print, 1 x negative)
'Hut Wilurana Tribe June 1927'. written on nitrate negative in NB Tindale hand.
Quantity 2 (1 x print, 1 x negative)
Aboriginal men and women with caucasian man on left. No print.
Quantity 2 (2 x negatives)
Two Aboriginal women, standing. Caption on nitrate negative reads 'Mirunko? native soak, west end of Musgrave Range'. written on nitrate negative in NB Tindale hand. No print.
Quantity 2 (2 x negatives)
Wilurana Tribe June 1927'. written on nitrate negative in NB Tindale hand. No print.
Quantity 2 (2 x negatives)
'Trying to get rabbit Mann & Peterman Ra' 'Digging out rabbit Kalpura soak'. written on nitrate negative in NB Tindale hand. No print.
Quantity 2 (2 x negatives)
THIS ITEM IS RESTRICTED. Aboriginal men dancing. No print.
Quantity 2 (2 x negatives)
THIS ITEM IS RESTRICTED. Aboriginal men dancing. No print. Slightly different view from previous negative. No print
Quantity 1 (1 x negatives)
'Ayers Rock. Photo A Brumby 1930'
Quantity 1 (lantern slide)
'Ayers Rock fr 3m S A Brumby 1930'
Quantity 1 (lantern slide)
No Caption. Uluru.
Quantity 1 (lantern slide)
'A Brumby Rockhole; top Ayers Rock reeds grasses'
Quantity 1 (lantern slide)
'Ayers Rock fr. W. end ground thickly grassed A. Brumby 1930'
Quantity 1 (lantern slide)
This item contains references to the following regions of South Australia: North West.
This series contains references to the following named groups: Jankundjara; Pitjandjara.
Corresponding Tindale Tribes: Jangkundjara; Pitjandjara.
Corresponding AIATSIS Language Groups: Pitjantjatjara; Yankuntjatjara.