Supplementary title and author; Government Printer 1965 reprint, National Aborigines' Day Observance Committee.132x199 mm 35 pages.
Chapter headings: 'Who are they', 'Where are they now?', 'What are the attitudes of governments?', 'What have the missions done in the past', 'What are the governments and missions doing now?', 'The Northern Territory', 'Queensland', 'Map of Australia showing Aboriginal reserves etc as at 1962', 'New South Wales', 'Victoria', 'South Australia', 'Western Australia', 'Some problems of administration - citizenship', 'Franchise', 'Social Service benefits', 'Health', 'Housing', 'Education', 'Government and mission stations', 'Can these problems be overcome?', 'What is the scale of the present effort?', 'There is still much to be done'