Mrs Albrecht seekes permission to return to Hermannsburg; a matter with the War Damage Insurance; the Aboriginal labour gangs in Alice Springs; the destruction of Dingo Scalps; the weather conditions in Haasts Bluff; Titus (Australian Aboriginal man) having a fight with another man over a woman; Ted's (Australian Aboriginal man) relationship to the girl Panatjitji (Australian Aboriginal woman) the unsatisfactory health of the people in Hermannsburg.
People, objects and/or organisations mentioned: Mr Abbott, Mr Chinnery, Mr Dodd, Rev. Michael, Mr Giles (Chief Gov. Secretary), Brother Gross, Mr Battarbee (See AA 663), Mr Roennfeldt
Places mentioned: Hermannsburg (NT), Alice Springs (NT), Haasts Bluff (NT), Tempe Downs (NT), Middletons Ponds (NT)