Jubilee celebrations; Mr CH Schulz's visit; Sisters Lindner and Wurst; Pastors Pech and Scherer; landing ground pegged at Haasts Bluff; boring for water; sale of 'Australian Aboriginal' cattle; church ventilation; builders; installation of electricity; Mr Garrett's hut for sale; need to acquire peas for Hermannsburg also golden syrup and shot gun cartridges.
People, objects and/or organisations mentioned: CH Schulze, Sr Lindner, Sr Wurst,, Mr Wurst, Mr Rieschieck, Pastor and Mrs Pech, Pastor Scherer, Br Wallent, Mr Latz (See AA 778), Pastor Gross, Mr Bowman, Mr Droegemueller, Mr and Mrs Rieger, Mr Ted Rieschieck, Mr Garrett
Places mentioned: Umbartja (NT), Jay Creek (NT), Areyonga (NT)