Report on Darwin conference with representatives from other missions, and government departments - health, education, economic pursuits. Sr Lindner going on furlough, Mr Wallent leaving. Still no water at bore. Mr Kilgariff undertaking building work. Kristof (Australian Aboriginal man) died. Mrs Albrecht unwell.
People, objects and/or organisations mentioned: Prof Elkin (See AA 86), Mr Moy, Dr Glashen, Mr Dodd, Bishop Gsell, Fr Hentschke, Father Flynn, Rev. Montgomery, Rev. Smith, Rev. Ellemore, Rev. Gribble, Miss Shankleton, Mr Thomas, Sr Lindner, Sr Tscharke, Pastor Gross, Mr Wurst
Places mentioned: Darwin (NT), northern missions, Leper Island (NT), Bathurst Island (NT), Farden Point Halfcaste settlement on Melville Island (NT).