People, objects and/or organisations mentioned: L Leske, AG Simpendorfer, GE Prove, MG Keller, BA Doering, L Hedt, CE Heinrich, EA Muller, C Pfitzner, Dr Lohe, Rubina (Australian Aboriginal woman), Rev. Scherer, Electricty Trust of SA, Mr Nott, Mr Modra, Mrs A Kuhne, Ted Rieschiek, Rev. Petering, 'Venture of faith', Rev. S Gross, Victorian Lutheran Youth Association, G Stoll, Aranda hynm book, BO Zilm, Laura Milling Co, Rev. P Albrecht, Rev. Kealleske, R Arnold, G Stoll, Mr von Schramek, Mr Pearce, Aqua toilets, Lange and Sons, Mr Eggington, Finsbury Pumps, Mr Wurst
Places mentioned: Alice Springs (NT), Papunya (NT), Hermannsburg (NT), Barossa (SA), Murray Bridge (SA), Upper Murray (SA), Owen Springs (NT)
Tindale Tribes: Aranda.