People, objects and/or organisations mentioned: BA Doering, L Leske, AG Simpfendorfer, GE Prove, MG Keller, L Hedt, CE Heinrich, BH Hempel, EA Muller, CJ Pfitzner, Rev. PE Mickan, Rev. PGE Albrecht (See AA 707), 'The present problem of authority in the Aboriginal community' [See AA 662/66/7 for a copy- which may not be complete], Rev. Radke, Aborigine Advancement League, Rex Pfitzner, Miss D Schultz, Miss Avis Schultz, Sr Kubisch, Sr Wallant, Miss Barbara Starkey, Rev. Petering
Places mentioned: Palm Valley (NT), Areyonga (NT), Papunya (NT), Utopia (NT), Warburton Ranges (WA)