This item contains parent-child dyads from Mona Mona and Yarrabah, Queensland. There are 11 pages of genealogies for Mona Mona and three pages from Yarrabah. These genealogies includes stature, age and weight data from Bridsell's visits to the region in 1938 and 1974. There is also a comparison between 'bush-born' and 'station-born' individuals from Walmadjari and Njangamarda groups, Western Australia. Seriation attached to title page.
The pages in this journal are numbered. The first fourteen pages are missing and consequently the journal consists of pp. 15-50. There are 22 pages of data and 13 blank pages. This item was previously identified as 'Birdsell Collection Notebook 8'. '12 Columns' printed on cover.
Corresponding Tindale Tribes: Walmadjari; Njangamarda.