Handwritten letter on Anthropological Society of South Australia letterhead (draft 2 for final letter see AA338/88/11A) from NB Tindale to The President, Carnegie Corporation c/o University of Adelaide outlining his proposal for a travelling research fellowship to cover a visit to the United States, Europe, India, Malaya and Northern Japan to meet fellow research workers and to carry out field work. Purpose for this trip a) to widen the scope of his experience in the aims and methods of ethnographic research by a year's study in the United States and Europe; b) to subsequently carry out field work enabling him to obtain a synoptic view of certain aboriginal peoples in India, Malaya and Northern Japan.
People mentioned: Dr Kroeber (1876-1960), Professor (Edward) Sapir (1884-1939), Dr Clarke Wissler (1870-1947), Dr Huntingdon, Professor Malinowski (1884-1942), Professor Burkitt (1864-1935), Dr Leakey (1903-1972), Dr Caldenius (1887-1961), Dr Grenfell Price (1892-1977)
Places mentioned: Yale University, University of California, Pennsylvania University, Smithsonian Institution, London University, Cambridge, Oslo, British Museum, Berlin Museum, Paris Museum, India, Malaya, Northern Japan,
Indigenous People: Ainu of Hokkaido, Sakai of Malay Peninsula, Pre-dravidians of India and Ceylon.
Handwritten letterhead, 4 pages