Copy of letter from Wilfrid Partridge to Secretary, Royal Society of Tasmania

Archive Collections / Dr Norman Barnett Tindale / Series AA338/88 / Copy of letter from Wilfrid Partridge to Secretary, Royal Society of Tasmania

Copy of letter from Wilfrid Partridge to the Secretary, Royal Society of Tasmania regarding Aboriginal Rock Carvings, in reply to the Society's letter of 2 July 1935. Refer's to NB Tindale's interest (from photographs) in the carvings as 'similar to carvings on the mainland which had been called "Tasmanoid" '. Requests that a 'professional ethnologist should be obtained to report upon them'. Seeks to have the rocks protected where they are rather than be removed.

People mentioned: Mr Hardstaff, Mr Meston [Archibald Lawrence] (1890-1951),

Places mentioned: Rocky Cape (TAS), Woolnorth Station (TAS)

Organisations mentioned: Van Diemen's Land Company

Typed quarto, 1 page

CreatorDr Norman Barnett Tindale
Date Range04 July, 1935  -  04 July, 1935
Quantity 0.1cm,   1   Pages
FormatsGeneral Correspondence
Series AA338/88