TC - Time Code
White titles are superimposed over POV shots of 2 Land Rovers (LRs) driving along a dirt track in the outback.
Background soundtrack of traditional Aboriginal group singing with clapsticks.
01:15 Script BRUCE GUERIN
01:20 Commentary BARRY PITMAN
01:25 Sound Recording ARTHUR E. HOWE Processing FILM PROCESSORS Adelaide
01:28 Directed and Filmed by ROBERT EDWARDS
01:35 Voice Over (VO) begins "In September 1967...
Visuals continue with the sequence of POV travelling shots from LRs.
01:57 WS 2 LRs drive along a sandy track.
VO and singing contintue for the rest of the documentary.
02:23 MS 2 Expedition Members (EMs) tie extension ladders to the roof of a LR at Areyonga, a government settlement and last supply point, (from VO).
02:35 MCU EM looks on.
02:37 WS 2 EMs attach ladders to top of dark LR (license plate: ZSM.322).
02:41 WS EM standing on bonnet of LR attaching ladders.
02:47 WS 4 EMs, (one is Trevour Millikens, from VO, the superintendant at Areyonga, holding the hand of a young girl), look at a map spread on the bonnet of the white LR. An Aboriginal teenager walks by in the background.
03:06 WS side of LR, EM walks up and climbs in.
03:13 MS Two white middle aged women, one holding the young girl seen previously, wave goodbye.
03:15 WS of Community with 4-5 houses, 2 LRs drive off.
03:29 WS POV from front LR of dirt track leading into hills.
03:34 WS profile of dark LR travelling along road.
03:45 MS 2 EMs digging out the wheels of the dark LR.
03:54 WS of white LR (License plate: RAF.779), travelling across spinex field to the dark LR stuck in the sand.
04:02 WS of Trevour Millikens tieing a cable to the front of the dark LR (ZSM.322), then walking it to the front of the white LR.
04:15 WS white LR drives slowly in spinefex field.
04:22 WS dark LR drives across rocky dry creek bed.
04:40 WS 2 LRs drive away through spinifex field.
04:45 WS of dark LR driving towards and over the camera.
05: 05 WS POV of LR driving through bleached balls of skeleton weed, (from VO).
05:18 WS side of dark LR, an EM, the expedition guide Michael Terry (from VO), gets out.
05:27 WS Michael Terry walks through bush.
05:32 WS 3 EMs stand on a hill top, two are pointing, the third is Michael Terry looking through a compass.
05:37 MCU profile of Michael Terry using compass.
05:40 CU profile of Michael Terry using compass.
05:45 CU from front of Michael Terry using compass and talking.
05:52 MS the other 2 EMs pointing.
05:57 ECU Tyre iron inserted between tyre and wheel rim being hit with axe head.
06:04 MS Tyre iron in wheel being hit by axe.
06:15 MCU profile of EM looking down.
06:20 CU tyre iron and wheel being pried off.
06:32 WS 2 LRs, first one with man sitting on front, drives across spinefex field.
06:56 WS LR with man on front drive across spinifex field and stops, second LR follows and stops.
07:16 WS escarpment cliffs of Thomas Resevoir.
07:25 WS 4 EMs walk into the escarpment cliffs.
07:44 WS Rock wall with engravings in them.
08:00 MCU of an EM looking.
08:04 CU Engraved "smilling" face.
08:13 MS Engraved human figure.
08:19 CU Engraved face.
08:26 WS Boulder with a multitude of incised lines in it.
08:30 MS Boulder
08:39 WS 2 EMs sit behind incised boulder running fingers along lines.
08:58 CU hands and fingers running along incised lines.
09:05 MCU EM with pipe in mouth looking down.
09:19 MCU Different EM looking, talking and laughing.
09:29 WS boulder with incised lines.
09:35 WS Harry Bowshall painting latex onto cheese cloth to form a mold over an engraving (from VO).
09:54 CU Harry 's hand and brush painting latex onto cheesecloth, (from VO).
10:04 ECU Harry's hand and brush painting latex on.
10:12 WS Harry painting latex onto the same engraving.
10:34 CU Engraved "smiling" face with latex over it.
10:38 WS Harry peeling off the latex mold.
10:49 CU Harry's hands peeling back the edge of the latex mold.
11:04 MS Harry peeling back the mold.
11:20 MS Harry applying "French Chalk" (from VO) to the back of the mold as it comes off the engraving.
11:37 MS Mold coming off the engraving, French chalk applied.
11:58 CU Harry's hands and fingers prying off the latex mold.
12:08 ECU Harry's hands working on the mold.
12:16 WS Harry and Michael examine and shake off fully removed latex cast.
12:27 WS Harry works peeling off a different mold from a different engraving.
12:52 MCU Harry working.
12:54 CU Harry's face, working.
12: 55 WS Harry peeling off latex mold, and dusting it with chalk.
13:18 CU mold being rolled up.
13:23 WS escarpment cliffs.
13:26 CU engraved face in rock wall.
13:39 CU of same engraved face, different angle.
13:47 WS zoom into a CU of an earlier engraved face in rock wall.
13:53 WS Thomas Resevoir with LRs ready to go.
14:04 WS 2 LRs drive away across spinefex field.
14:39 WS Thomas Resevoir escarpment.
14:45 EWS spinifex field with 2 LRs driving across it.
VO ends
15:00 End Credits Superimposed over EWS of LRs driving over spinefex field.
PRODUCED by The South Australian Museum in co-operation with the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies
Singing and clapsticks end.
15:10 END