Published on 20 October, 2022
Today the Narungga community returns 38 Ancestors to Country in a community led ceremony at Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park located at the southern end of the Yorke Peninsula, South Australia.
The Ancestors will be laid to rest in perpetuity in a designated section of the park that will be accessible by the Narungga community only. The ceremony is a collaboration between the Narungga Nation Aboriginal Corporation (NNAC), Point Pearce Aboriginal Community Council (PPAC), Department of Environment (DEW) and the South Australian Museum.
Co-management of Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park between NNAC and DEW was established in 2020. Chair of the Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park Co-Management Board, Doug Milera explained that it had been a journey over the past four years to get to this point.
“It’s a momentous day for the Narungga people as we return 38 of our southern Ancestors to Country, in what we hope is the start of the return of all our Ancestors – however there is still a lot of work to be done,” Mr Milera said.
Since 2018, the Narungga community has been working with the South Australian Museum and various stakeholders through community meetings and consultations to prepare the Return to Country plan. Finding a suitable location to rebury the Ancestors on Yorke Peninsula has been challenging for several reasons, including the effects of climate change.
Anne Newchurch, Chair of NNAC reflected on the consultation and hard work that has gone on behind the scenes to make today possible.
"Narungga park rangers have worked to identify an appropriate area where the Ancestors will be laid to rest. This involves ensuring the area is elevated away from weather disturbances such as wind and rain, and regular monitoring to ensure any risks are mitigated,” Ms Newchurch said.
"It’s a very emotional day as we finally return our Ancestors to Country on a designated piece of Narungga land, but it’s also a sense of achievement because we’re bringing them home.”
The Ancestors were brought from the South Australian Museum’s Keeping Place on Thursday 20 October and travelled along the Wild Dog Dreaming coastal route of the peninsula down into the Park.
In July the Federal government facilitated the return of one Narungga Ancestor from the USA that will be reburied as part of today’s ceremony. Today’s ceremony is funded by the Australian Government Indigenous Repatriation Program and supported by the South Australian Museum.
The South Australian Museum will continue working with the Narungga community and other stakeholders to find suitable reburial locations for the Ancestors disturbed from the northern parts of the peninsula so that they can also return to Country as soon as possible.