Young Explorers: An introduction
Niina marni! The Young Explorers team have missed seeing you at the Museum, so they shared a series of videos during Reconciliation Week with you. Join Emma, Stephen and special guest Eva for songs, stories and rocking Pinko to sleep in a koolaman below.
Here are the lyrics to the songs so you can sing along:
Niina Marni Song
Niina Marni Niina Marni – Hello you good?
Marniai Marniai – I’m Good
Wanti Niina Wanti Ninna – Where you going?
Wadlianna Wadlianna – I’m going home
Heads and Shoulders
Mukarta, Karkata, Mumpa, Tidna – Head, Shoulder, Knee, Foot (toes)
Miina, Yuri, Taa, Mudla – Eye, Ear, Mouth, Nose
We all clap Marralla together (Marra hand, Marralla hands)