Location: Headwaters of Henry and Yannarie rivers from Mounts Hamlet and Florry southeast to the Lyons River, northeastward only to Ashburton River divide; at Elliot Creek. Not to be confused with the name Tjiwaling applied to the Walmadjari by their western neighbors.
Co-ordinates: 116°35'E x 23°45'S
Area: 1,700 sq. m. (4,200 sq. km.)
References: Brown, 1912, 1913, 1914; Radcliffe-Brown, 1930; Connelly, 1932; Tindale, 1940, 1953 MS, 1966 MS; Davidson and McCarthy, 1957; Brandenstein, 1965 MS.
Alternative Names: Tjiwali (valid variant), Jiwali, Jivali, Tivali.