Location: At Urandangi, Bathurst, Headingly, north to Lake Nash and Barkly Downs; east toward Mount Isa, Qld.; west to near Mount Hogarth and Argadargada.
Co-ordinates: 138°0'E x 21°10'S
Area: 11,900 sq. m. (30,900 sq. km.)
References: Parry-Okeden, 1897; Roth, 1897; Mathews, 1899 (Gr. 6445), 1900 (Gr. 6448), 1901 (Gr. 6453), Spencer, 1912; Tindale, 1940; Yallop, 1969; Breen, 1969 MS.
Alternative Names: Yaroinga, Yarroinga, Yaringa (name applied to a creek), Yorrawinga, Yarrowin, Jurangka (Iliaura name), Manda (southern horde near Urandangi), Pulanja (language name), Bulanja, Bulanu.