Location: South of central Daly River; along Flora River to its junction with Daly River. Schebeck suggests that Ngen-gomeri is an important alternative version of the name. According to Falkenberg, a horde of this tribe named Ngargaminjin, was absorbed by the Murinbata in historical time suggesting considerable displacement in local distribution.
Co-ordinates: 131°20'E x 14°40'S
Area: 1,000 sq. m. (2,600 sq. km.)
References: Stanner, 1933, 1936, 1960, 1970 MS; Capell, 1940, 1956; Berndt and Berndt, 1964; Berndt, 1965; Cleverly, 1969 pers. comm.; Schebeck, 1970 pers. comm.
Alternative Names: Nanggiomeri, Nangiomeri, Nangumiri, Nangimera, Nangimeri, Nanggiwumiri, Nangi-wumiri, Ngen-gomeri (valid pronunciation), Nangiomeri, Mariwumiri, Murinwumiri, Wumiri.