Location: Paroo River and Cuttaburra and Kulkyne Creek from Goorimpa north to Brindingabba, Berawinna Downs, and Hungerford, at Wanaaring and Yantabulla. This tribe is to be distinguished from the Barindji who live east of the Darling River. They practiced neither circumcision nor subincision as initiation rites.
Co-ordinates: 144°15'E x 29°35'S
Area: 8,000 sq. m. (20,800 sq. km.)
References: Bonney, 1884; Scott in Cameron, 1885; Scrivener in Curr, 1886; Mathews, 1898 (Gr. 6444, 6464, 6468); Howitt, 1904; Brown, 1918; Tindale, 1940; Australian Encyclopedia, 1958.
Alternative Names: Paruindji (valid variant), Paruindi, Paruinji, Paroinge (read g as df), Barundji, Barungi, Barinji, Bahroonjee, Baroongee, Bahroongee, Barrengee, Parooinge, Barunga.