Location: Murray River between a point 15 miles (24 km.) above Murrumbidgee Junction and Swan Hill; at Piangil; extending northward to about Moolpa, N.S.W. According to Cameron, the name Narinari is also applied to this tribe but there is some evidence to show they are separate peoples. According to Stone, the Wembawemba called the dialect of the Watiwati tribe Burrea.
Co-ordinates: 143°25'E x 35°5'S
Area: 2,000 sq. m. (5,200 sq. km.)
References: Robinson, 1846 MS; Beveridge, 1862, 1884, 1889; Smyth, 1878; Howitt, 1883, 1904; Cameron, 1885, 1903; Beveridge in Curr, 1887; Curr, 1887; Macredie in Curr, 1887; Fraser in Threlkeld, 1892; Mathews, 1898 (Gr. 6464, 6468), 1908 (Gr. 6460); Stone, 1911; Mathew, 1911, 1928; Brown, 1918; Robertson, 1928; Donaldson, 1956 MS.
Alternative Names: Wathiwathi (wati = no), Watthiwatthi, Wattewatte, Watty-watty, Wotti-wotti, Withaija, Wohdi Wohdi, Woani (means 'man'), Woonyi, Dacournditch (horde between Tyntynder and Swan Hill), Biangil (place name Piangil).