Location: From between Lakes Monger and Moore north to Yuin, Talleringa Peak, and Nalbarra; west to Mullewa and Morawa (Morowa); east to Paynes Find and Wogarno, south of Mount Magnet; at Yalgoo and upper Greenough River. They evidently visited Cheangwa in later times but it was north of their country. At Lake Darlot, two tribes distance away, Widi (as Weedy) was given the description of 'too savage; no good' by A. Mason (1895 MS). Northern hordes around Pinegrove pushed southwest to Geraldton down the Irwin and Greenough rivers in early contact times. Their older boundary is shown on map. They practiced both circumcision and subincision.
Co-ordinates: 116°45'E x 28°50'S
Area: 13,800 sq. m. (35,900 sq. km.)
References: Spencer, 1914; Tindale, 1940, 1966 MS, 1968 MS; Berndt, 1964.
Alternative Names: Wiri (valid alternative ['widi] = ['wiri] means 'no'), Minango (of Wadjari tribe, means southerners), Minangu, Nanakari (of Nokaan), Nanakati (my people), Barimaia (nondiscriminative name used by Wadjari for this and Barimaia tribe), Jaburu ('northern people,' name given by a man of Northam, i.e., probably Balardong).