CollectionWilliam Thomas Lingwood Smith
Quantity   1   Photograph Album
Series IdentifierAA 295/01


Photograph album volume 'P' has been transferred from the Francis James Gillen (AA 108) collection to the William Thomas Lingwood Smith collection. This album is a compilation of photographs taken by a number of photographers including Inspector Paul Foelsche (AA 96), Francis James Gillen (AA 108), Saul Solomon (AA 600), Henry Yorke Lyell Brown (AA 41), Hermann Klaatsch (AA 168) and William Thomas Lingwood Smith.

All photographs accessioned in the previous AP system have been recorded. Annotations recorded on the photographed have been cited in quotation marks. The pages are out of sequence with pages 24 and 25 bound between pages 31 and 32. The page order is as folows: 1-23, 26-31, 24-25, 32-46.

Included Items