Ngadlu tampinthi ngadlu Kaurna Miyurna yartangka. Munaintya puru purruna ngadlu-itya. Munaintyanangku yalaka tarrkarriana tuntarri.
We acknowledge we are on Kaurna Miyurna land. The Dreaming is still living. From the past, in the present, into the future, forever.
Describes and explains walk deviations made by camel string (train). Camp process to settle camels down for the night - tethering and hobbling. Highlights the art of saddle-making, loading and roping standards introduced by the Afghan cameleers. Introduces the dogs (Silent Heelers - a Queensland breed for cattle work) - Lady, Trixie and George.
1. Photograph: Lady (JA33:177)
People mentioned: Allan [Brumby] (See AA 42)
Fauna mentioned: Camels - Granny, Polly, Buller, Tony; dogs - Lady, Trixie, George