Expedition truck log Laverton WA 1934

Mottled green 205x337 mm notebook annotated on fly leaf "Log of Michael Terry leader Acme Prospecting Syndicalte NL expedition to Laverton WA 1934." also list of truck spares and rations, plus four items from "home code". Each daily entry includes camp number (eg C22) and a weather report.

  • 26 May Adelaide, Clare, WJ Bird, Alec Paterson, Jim Monoghan, Kalgoorlie, Port Augusta, Flinders Hotel, JD Coats, William Hatfield, Nonning Station, Yardea, Ceduna, Aichie Giran, Penong, Mrs Nieass, Chinba, Colaipa Station, Tallowan

  • 1 June Nullabor Station, Mrs Brooks, Eucla, Simon, Charlie Cable, Mundartilla Station, Hogarth, Madura, Mr Woods, Forest, Rawlenna, Adelaide Car Service, Jonbert, Delage, Mr O'Sullivan, Naseetta Station, Goddards Creek, Karonie, Ted Graham, Gregory Hills, gold, Kalgoorlie, Jonbert, truck registered as KMC 908 (WA), Inland City Hotel, The Palace Hotel, Ernest Williams, Perserverence Mine, Western Mining Corporation, Stuart Campbell, Lamingtron Heights, Lindsay Clark, Employers Liability, Bob Smith, SC Newham, Galanchine, "Record of the Gregory Hills", Cutbill, Wreford, National Bank of Perth, Dr Moss, Mrs McKinstrey, Dick Zeigler, Kanowora, Kurolpie, Yates, cut out of part WA map "Central Division" (North Coolgardie) with track in red ink from Laverton to Mt Shenton and off map in NE direction, Jim Cox, Jubilee Mine, Louisa Downs, Mr Cable, sandalwood, Mulgabbie, Pinjin Station, Aloughbun,Yoari battery, O'Brien, Webster, Bullfrich rush, Anglo Saxon, Edjudina, Rowe, Sheridan, Pinjin King, Mat Dunn, Thompson's Patricia mine, Mendlesham, Linden, Theo Byers, Forrest's Find, Jack McIntyre, Sam Haslett, Tommy Kelly, Bob Bruse, Laucefield, Cosmo Newberry Station, Bob Sutherland, Ivor Jones, pegged 48 acres near Green and Gold, Whitfords Reward, tree marked "SGH 5'96 -Hubbe"

  • 1 July gold, Mt Strawbridge, post marked "/\ vii 9 FI" Smith ill returned to Laverton 27 July, applied to register claims, Mr Lambert, Jack Ruddock, Halley's comet, Neeolio rockhole, Smith paid off and E Grant and DG Thomas employed, Dr Gillert, Edward Frank Jensen

  • 1 August Sam Haslett, Laverton, The Granites, Tennant & Co gold strike, list of assays 4 August, Hawks Nest, Cosmo Newberry, Heyden, McIntyre, Tommy (Australian Aboriginal man), Dwyer

  • 1 September Mt Strawbridge, Ruddock, waxbills, Laverton, McGinnes, 12 September Grant paid off, Pt Virginia, White Cliffs, Pt Salvation, McEwin, White Anchor Co, 20 September "Foreskin Jack" (Australian Aboriginal man), Skipper and Tony (Australian Aboriginal men), Crocked Toe (Australian Aboriginal man), Cosmo Newberry, cars from Laverton, Minnie Creek, gold eight pound seventeen shillings an ounce, Charlie (Australian Aboriginal man), J Duza, Kalgoorlie

  • 1 October asbestos, gold, Vinegar (Australian Aboriginal man), McIntyre, Laverton, Dr Gillen, booked 25 ton crushing, McGinnes, Tobar, Tool, Minnie Creek, Rutters Grave, 10 October plan of claims, Ray Bonner, Point Salvation, She-is-right mine, Motterams Reef, JW Blair and HA Chester, haematite, Colin McDonald, Allens Station, McIntyres Reef, JB Hughes, Laverton, Bird to Kalgoorlie for dentist, Dave Thomas, WJ Gambie, Evelyn James, 30 October list of claims applied for, Bill Williams, Lauriefield

  • 1 November Laverton, She-is-right, Dwyer, McEuin, Thomas and Gambie, Bill Sherbourne, The Sailor Prince, Reg Sharpe, Bird, Cosmo Newberry, Peter Buck, Mrs A (Bonny) Bereford, Morgaus, Sister Marjorie Costella, E McAlinder, J Ball, Cork Tree Flat, Acme Reef, Mortrains Reef, Cockey Reef, Thomas sandy blight, last page "sample key" indicating quantity of gold returned

CreatorMichael Terry
ControlAA 333/5/20
Date Range1934  -  1934
Series AA 333/05