Ngadlu tampinthi ngadlu Kaurna Miyurna yartangka. Munaintya puru purruna ngadlu-itya. Munaintyanangku yalaka tarrkarriana tuntarri.
We acknowledge we are on Kaurna Miyurna land. The Dreaming is still living. From the past, in the present, into the future, forever.
This item is a scanned copy. For the original see the Nina Layman collection (AA 789). Layman includes the distribution of the Wardanie, Bebleman and Yaberoo. The typescript notes appear to be in response to an interview. The sub-headings include: 'Distribution of Native Tribes', 'Camp Sites', 'Dwellings', 'Cave Paintings etc.', 'Fires', 'Collecting Food', 'Hunting', 'Fishing Methods', 'Domestication of Animals', 'Native Boats & Water Transport', 'Drugs & Medicine', 'Death & Burial', 'Deformation', 'Aboriginal Games & Amusements', 'Magic', 'Sign Language', 'Genealogies' and vocabulary lists that include 'Weapons', 'Numerals', 'Names of Trees', 'Food', 'Names of Places' and 'Names of Natives'.
Relates to Western Australia: Wardandie (Wardandi), Bebleman (Pibelman) and Yaberoo (Pindjarup).
Tindale Tribes: Pibelmen; Pindjarup; Wardandi.