From HL Perriman (See AA 248) to Tindale

Concerning devastation caused by Douglas Mawson (See AA 214) tropical cyclone in 1923; description of week-long expedition to northern Groote Eylandt; advised of the deaths of a number of Groote Eylandt residents for the period 1922-1926.

People mentioned: Brady; Derby; Minnamere; Mr Harry; Mr Foster; Peter; Mudgee; George; Paddy

Places mentioned: Bartalumba Bay (NT)

Handwritten letter

CreatorDr Norman Barnett Tindale
ControlAA 338/79/9/1-4
Date Range20 June, 1926  -  20 June, 1926
Quantity 0.1cm,   4   pages
FormatsGeneral Correspondence
Series AA338/79