2 letters from Birdsell to Prof Leonard French 13 August 1987 and Tindale 13 August 1987.
Copy of article by WB Wood, 'Ossification Variation in Two Populations from Papua New Guinea'.
CJ Hackett, 'And Ravens Fed Him in the Desert' about trip he did with Tindale to Musgrave and Mann Ranges.
Newspaper clipping, 'Life mechanism discovery seen by scientists' Palo Alto Times 16 June 1978.
'Puzzling out man's ascent' in Time 7 November 1977
Handwritten notes
Miscellaneous newspaper clippings
Copies of 2 articles by PD Prasada Rao, 'The Main-line-index and transversality in the palms of Australian Aborigines' and 'Finger prints of Aborigines at Kalumburu Mission in Western Australia' in Oceania vol XXXIV (3), 1964.