Edmund D Gill, 'Aboriginal Bone Implement from Fossil Bone Bed, Tasmania' in Records of the Queen Victoria Museum Launceston 29 march 1968.
Rhys Jones, 'A Speculative Archaeological Sequence for North-west Tasmania' in Records of the Queen Victoria Museum Launceston 12 December 1966.
RH Pulleine, 'The Tasmanians and their Stone Culture' Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, 1929 (2 copies).
CG Stephens, 'Notes on a Soil Map of Tasmania' in Journal of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research May 1934.
'Notes on the Aborigines of Tasmania, Extracted from the Manuscript Journals of george Washington Walker, with an Introduction by James B Walker, in Papers and Proceedings Royal Society of Tasmania, 1987, photocopy.
Alison Harvey, 'Flint Implements of Tasmanian Manufacture found at Cape Hart, Kangaroo Island', From Records of the South Australian Museum vol VI (4), February 28, 1941. (2 copies)
NJB Plomley, 'A List of Tasmanian Aboriginal Material in Collections in Europe' in Records of the Queen Victoria Museum Launceston, 6 November 1962.
NJB Plomley, 'A List of Tasmanian Aboriginal Material in Collections in Europe' in Records of the Queen Victoria Museum Launceston, part 2, 1961
NJB Plomley, 'Thomas Bock's Portraits of the Tasmanian Aborigines' from Records of the Queen Victoria Museum Launceston, 31 may 1965.
M Exsteens, 'L'Industrie des Tasmaniens Eteints' from International Congress of Anthropology and Prehistoric Archeaology 14th Congress, 1912, photocopy.
F Ratzel, 'Die Tasmanier' from Volkerkunde, Leipzig, 1894, photocopy.
Alfred J Taylor, 'Chat about the Aborigines of Tasmania', paper read at the Royal society of Tasmania, 19 October 1891.
JL Davies, 'A Vegetation map of Tasmania' inGeographical Review, 1964.
JF Howeler, 'The Whalers Legacy to Cape Barren Island', typescript (2 copies)

small notebook labelled, Tas Notes mostly now superceded
File card headed Native mine Tasmania
Newspaper clipping, 'Devonport to promote its ancient engravings' in Panorama, March 1974

Tourist map of Tasmania

Incomplete typescript, A Tasmanian Aboriginal Fish trap (2 copies)

Letter from DL Serventy to Tindale 9 June 1965
Letter fromPR Eldershaw (State Library of Tasmania) to Tindale, 1 July 1965.
Letter from Tindale to President of the Royal Society, Tasmania, 6 May 1936.

Typescript labelled, with Hallam LM Movius to Kangaroo Island March 1936 (2 copies)
Typescript list of Tasmanian artefacts in German museums (2 copies).

Newspaper clippings
Unidentified excerpt on the Tasmanian Aborigines.
Copy of photographs of Tasmanian artefacts in Sydney Morning Herald 14 June 1930, and an article in the SMH, 'A Lost Race Tracing its origins , The Mystery of the Tasmanian Aborigines' 14 June 1980.

Handwritten notes

CreatorDr Norman Barnett Tindale
Quantity   1   35mm colour slides
Series AA338/14