From ERW (Waite AA356) to the Secretary General (Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of South Australia)

Archive Collections / Dr Norman Barnett Tindale / Series AA338/72 / From ERW (Waite AA356) to the Secretary General (Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of South Australia)

Note to the Secretary General from ERW (Waite AA356) regarding (NB) Tindale timesheets. Includes responses from HWM (Marshall), General Secretary, Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of South Australia as how best to meet the Board's reporting criteria.

People mentioned: (NB) Tindale

Places mentioned: None

Handwritten note, double sided

CreatorDr Norman Barnett Tindale
Date Range02 October, 1919  -  04 October, 1919
Quantity 0.1cm,   1   Pages
FormatsGeneral Correspondence
Series AA338/72