Location: From west of Cape York southwest to Vrilya Point; inland almost to head of Jardine River; on Possession Island and western islands in Endeavor Strait.
Co-ordinates: 142°20'E x 11°10'S
Area: 700 sq. m. (1,800 sq. km.)
References: MacGillivray, 1852; Jardine in Byerley, 1867; Creed in Ridley, 1878; Parry-Okeden, 1897; McConnel, 1939-1940, 1950; Tindale, 1940.
Alternative Names: Goomkoding, Yumakundji (probably Jathaikana term), Amkomti, Ondaima (? horde name), Oiyamkwi (people on Red Lsland), Apukwi (people of Crab Island).