Location: On Ashburton River between Mount Price and Kooline; south to Wannery Creek; north to near Mount Amy, Urandy, and the beginning of the uplands of Duck Creek; east to lower headwaters of Hardey River on western boundary of Ashburton Downs. Kulanji Pool, 10 miles (15km.) upstream from Kooline, was an important ceremonial place. Another important water was Minbun, the pool at Glen Florrie.
Co-ordinates: 116°15'E x 22°40'S
Area: 3,100 sq. m. (8,100 sq. km.)
References: 'Yabaroo,' 1899; Brown, 1912, 1913; Bates, 1914; Radcliffe-Brown, 1930; Connelly, 1932; Tindale, 1953 MS, 1966 MS; Fink, 1957 MS; Brandenstein, 1965 MS.
Alternative Names: Binnigoora, Biniguru, Binnigora, Pinikurra.