Location: Lower course of Nymboida River and across the range toward Urunga, Coff (Korff) Harbour, and Bellingen; at South Grafton and Glenreagh; along the coast south from near One Tree Point; at Woolgoolga and Nambucca Heads. MacPherson's map is in error in placing the tribe entirely away from the coast. Confusion arises because Bellingen township is on the Bellinger River.
Co-ordinates: 152°55'E x 30°10'S
Area: 2,300 sq. m. (6,000 sq. km.)
References: Howitt, 1884, 1904; Palmer, 1884; Rudder, 1896; C., J. C., 1896; Harper, 1897; Mathews, 1897 (Gr. 6567), 1898 (Gr. 6468), 1900 (Gr. 6526, 6572), 1901 (Gr. 6502), 1903 (Gr. 6478, 6490), 1907 (Gr. 6508, 6521), 1909 (Gr. 6479), 1910 (Gr. 6482); Brown, 1900; McDougall, 1900-1901; MacPherson, 1904; Anonymous, 1908; Buckland, 1912; Radcliffe-Brown, 1929; Enright, 1934, 1939; Tindale, 1940; Smythe, 1948-1950; Australian Encyclopedia, 1958; Wurm, 1963; Ryan, 1964; Hoddinott, 1967.
Alternative Names: Kumbainggeri, Kumbaingir, Kumbaingeri, Kombaingheri, Kombinegherry, Kumbangerai, Koombanggary, Koombanggherry, Koombainga, Coombangree, Coombyngura, Coombyngara, Coombargaree, Kombinegherry, Gumbainggar, Gunbainggar, Gumbaingar, Guinbainggiri, Coombagoree, Gumbanggar, Bellinger tribe, Bellingen tribe, Nimboy (a horde), Woolgoolga (a horde), Orara (name of a river).