Location: Forrest River from seacoast of Cambridge Gulf to Milligan ranges; south to Steere Hills; north to Mount Carty and Lyne River. The term Gwini usually given for these people is a directional one basically meaning 'east' or 'easterners' and is applied by the inland peoples including those at Kalumburu. Another version suggests that ['Kujini] means 'lowlanders' or 'bottom people' because they live near the sea. The term Miwa meaning 'saltwater,' hence Miwadange, saltwater people, applies to them but is not here a tribal name as it is farther to the west. The Guragona horde treated in this work as Wenambal may belong here.
Co-ordinates: 127°55'E x 15°10'S
Area: 1,000 sq. m. (2,600 sq. km.)
References: Elkin, 1933; Kaberry, 1935, 1939; Capell, 1940, 1956; Tindale, 1940, 1953 MS; Coaldrake, 1954 MS; Birdsell, 1954 MS; Lucich, 1966 MS.
Alternative Names: Yeidji, Yeithi, Gwi:ni, Gwini, Kuini ('easterners,' name applied by the people at Kalumburu Mission), Kujini, Gu:jini, Ombalkari (place name east of the Forrest River Mission), Umbalgari, Miwu (said to be language name), Miwadange ('saltwater people'), Waringnari (error for Waringari, has a derogatory meaning, implying cannibalism), Morokorei (name of horde at Forrest River Mission).