The University of California at Los Angeles and University of Adelaide Anthropological Data Cards, 1952-54.

Archive Collections / Dr Joseph Benjamin Birdsell / Series AA689/09 / The University of California at Los Angeles and University of Adelaide Anthropological Data Cards, 1952-54.
Anthropological Data Cards recorded in the field with Sociological Photographs attached.

This item contains the anthropological data cards recorded in the field during The University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and University of Adelaide Board for Anthropological Research (BAR, see AA 346) Expedition, 1952-1954. This expedition was assigned the symbol 'R.' All individuals recorded within the data cards during the expedition were assigned an individual subject number; the data cards are numbered: R1-R1885.

The University of California at Los Angeles and University of Adelaide BAR Expedition travelled through South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory between October 1952 and July 1954. The expedition was in two parties which had slightly different itineraries and which met up at Mount Margaret, in Western Australia. In one party were Norman B Tindale and Dorothy M Tindale (see AA 338), in the other Joseph B Birdsell, Ester M Birdsell and Phillip Judd Epling.

At the conclusion of the expedition, a copy of the Anthropological data cards were made for the BAR. Considerably less sociological data was collected on the UCLA Expedition compared to that collected during the Harvard Adelaide Expedition. The BAR copy of the Harvard Adelaide data cards (see AA 346/4/22) are organized numerically by (individual subject) number and ordered by field station, and are a complete copy of the original data cards. Birdsell took the original anthropological data cards, along with their accompanying sociological photographs and negatives, back to United States of America. The Birdsell set of data cards were ordered and the resulting data published in Birdsell, JB 1993, Microevolutionary patterns in Aboriginal Australia: a gradient analysis of clines. Oxford University Press, New York, Appendix A-2. pp.34-35. The data cards have been ordered numerically within Birdsell's 1952-1954 'Tribal Series' grouping. This item comprises of 41 bundles of data cards.

Note that the total number of males, females, juveniles have been counted in each group. For example in 'T-1 Djaru' there are 60 males, 43 females, 19 male juveniles and 43 female juveniles.

Birdsell's 1952-1954 'Tribal Series' grouping
T-1 Djaru [male n=60/ female n=43/ male juvenile n=19/ female juvenile n=43]

T-2 Indjibandi [male n=14/ female n=18/ male juvenile n=6/ female juvenile n=5]

T-3 Karadjari [male n=23/ female n=19/ male juvenile n=1]

T-4 Kartudjara [male n=13/ female n=6/ male juvenile n=6/ female juvenile n=5]

T-5 Kitja [male n=37/ female n=36/ male juvenile n=17/ female juvenile n=20]

T-6 Kokatja [male n=29/ female n=23/ male juvenile n=18/ female juvenile n=21]

T-7 Konejandi [male n=7/ female n=23/ male juvenile n=4/ female juvenile n=2]

T-8 Mandjildjara [male n=28/ female n=22/ male juvenile n=13/ female juvenile n=19]

T-9 Mandjindja [male n=26 female n=7/ male juvenile n=12/ female juvenile n=11]

T-10 Mangala [male n=26/ female n=27/ male juvenile n=14/ female juvenile n=4]

T-11 Nangatadjara [male n=15/ female n=8/ male juvenile n=6/ female juvenile n=9]

T-12 Nangatara [male n=10/ female n=11/ male juvenile n=8/ female juvenile n=6]

T-13 Ngadadjara [male n=23/ female n=30/ male juvenile n=18/ female juvenile n=10]

T-14 Njangamarda [male n=108/ female n=71/ male juvenile n=14/ female juvenile n=10]

T-15 Ngardi [male n=18/ female n=17/ male juvenile n=4/ female juvenile n=3]

T-16 Ngarinjin [male n=14/ female n=15/ male juvenile n=7/ female juvenile n=3]

T-17 Njamal [male n=19/ female n=17/ male juvenile n=5]

T-18 Njikena [male n=18/ female n=14/ male juvenile n=5/ female juvenile n=4]

T-19 Pitjandjara [male n=12/ female n=12/ male juvenile n=11/ female juvenile n=2]

T-20 Punaba [male n=10/ female n=16/ male juvenile n=2]

T-21 Walmadjari [male n=55/ female n=47/ male juvenile n=26/ female juvenile n=21]

T-22 Walpiri [male n=13/ female n=9/ male juvenile n=2/ female juvenile n=1]

T-23 Wandjira [male n=19/ female n=11/ male juvenile n=8/ female juvenile n=3]

T-24 Wanman [male n=35/ female n=47/ male juvenile n=17/ female juvenile n=15]

T-25 Wenambal [male n=31/ female n=38/ male juvenile n=17/ female juvenile n=27]

T-26 Wangkatjunga [Kokatja] [male n=28/ female n=26/ male juvenile n=8/ female juvenile n=13]

T-27 Worora [male n=26/ female n=26/ male juvenile n=5/ female juvenile n=7]

T-28 Wunambal [male n=13/ female n=14/ male juvenile n=1/ female juvenile n=3]

'Small tribes'
T-A Ngalia [male n=8/ female n=1/ male juvenile n=1]

T-B Ola [male n=7/ female n=3]

'Regional pooled series'
P-A Coastal Pilbara: Ngarla; Kariara; Ngaluma [male n=13/ female n=15/ male juvenile n=6/ female juvenile n=1]

P-B Fortescue River: Bailgu; Kurama; Niabali [male n=15/ female n=10/ male juvenile n=6/ female juvenile n=2]

P-C Dampier Land: Baada; Nyulnyul [Njulnjul]; Warwa [male n=24/ female n=20]

P-D Victoria River: Malngin [male n=5/ female n=8]

P-E Arnhem Land: 'Five tribes represented mostly along north coast' [male n=8]
These data cards do not have sociological photographs.

P-F Canning Route: Nana [male n=18/ female n=3

P-G Southern Hinterland: Pitjandjara; Ngalia; Kokatja; Jungkundjara [male n=31/ female n=15/ male juvenile n=12/ female juvenile n=3]

Data cards not included in Birdsell's grouping
Full Bloods not included in the Birdsell's grouping [male n=10/ female n=11/ male juvenile n=2/ female juvenile n=2]

F-1 [Not included in the Birdsell's grouping] [male n=26/ female n=22/ male & female juvenile n=46]

F-2 [Not included in the Birdsell's grouping] [male n=1/ male juvenile n=14/ female juvenile n=10]

'Hybrids' Various (Australian Aboriginal/White) [Not included in the Birdsell's grouping] [male + female + juveniles n=60]

'Hybrids' Various (Australian Aboriginal/Ethnic Backgrounds) [Not included in the Birdsell's grouping] [male + female + juveniles n=47]

The anthropological data cards are titled: 'UCLA - Australian Population Genetics' and contain printed data fields for the recording of the following: Place, Date, Observer, Recorder, (the individual's subject) Number, Sex, Age, Effage, Gen. Key, Name, Birthplace, Own Tribe, Father's [Tribe], Mother's [Tribe], Own Horde, Father's [Horde], Mother's [Horde], and a field for data relating to photographs taken. The card also includes printed headings and categories for the recording of physical observations and anthropometric measurements. The cards have JB B[irdsell] recorded as 'Observer' and EM B[irdsell] as 'Recorder.' Note that the amount of data recorded varies from card to card.

The only differences between the BAR UCLA (see AA 346/4/22) and Birdsell UCLA data card sets (see AA 689/9/17) is the ordering. All data appears to have been transferred from the original to the copy. The level of sociological data recorded was less than that recorded in the Harvard Adelaide anthropological data card series. (see AA 689/9/16).

In the Birdsell set the anthropological data cards have their sociological photographs attached. This photograph consists of two black and white prints, usually a front and profile portrait showing head and torso. The photographs also show the (individual's subject) numbers and place.

This item also contains one box of UCLA sociological cards from which the photographic portraits have been detached. Additional photos such as of physical features or characteristics have been left attached to the sociological cards. Most of these cards contains no photographs. Individuals with the subject numbers K6 and K25 from the BAR expedition to Warburton Range, Western Australian, 1935 are also included in this group.

This item also contains a folder with a handwritten index by Birdsell, listing individuals in tribal grouping (14pp.). A handwritten index of individuals in Birdsell's UCLA 1952-1954 Tribal Grouping: T-1 to P-G. (98pp.), and a handwritten index of individuals not included in the UCLA 1952-1954 'Tribal Grouping.' (13pp.), both of which were compiled in the 1990s by Edna Love.

Further information on the University of California at Los Angeles and University of Adelaide Expedition see Birdsell's 'Australian Daily Field Journal 1953-1954' (AA 689/1/2), Tindale's 'University of Adelaide and University of California Anthropological Expedition, 1952-1954.' volumes 1-4 (AA 338/1/19), Birdsell's 'Australian Genealogies' 1952-1954 volumes 1-3. (see AA 689/2/12) and Tindale's UCLA 1952-1954 Genealogies (see AA 346/5/4) which are located in the BAR collection. Publications that provide information on the methods and results of the expedition see: Birdsell, JB 1993, Microevolutionary patterns in Aboriginal Australia: a gradient analysis of clines. Oxford University Press, New York.

Note that the data cards contain variant spellings of tribal/language group names. In the descriptions here the various terms and spellings have been reproduced with preferred terms in square brackets.At the end of this series an attempt has been made to supply corresponding tribal/language group names according to standardised spellings adopted by NB Tindale (see AA 338) and AIATSIS (Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies); however, this has not been possible in all cases.

This series includes references to named groups as listed above. These correspond to:

Tindale Tribes: Antakirinja; Arnga; Baada; Bailgu; Djaberadjabera; Djaru; Djaui; Djugun; Gunwinggu; Indjibandi; Iwaidja; Jangkundjara; Jawuru; Jeidji; Jumu; Kadjerong; Kambure; Karadjari; Kariara; Kartudjara; Keiadjara; Kitja; Koara; Kokata; Kokatja; Konejandi; Korindji; Kurama; Larakia; Malngin; Mandjildjara; Mandjindja; Maung; Miriwung; Miwa; Mutpura; Nana; Nangatadjara; Nangatara; Ngadadjara; Ngaluma; Ngalea; Ngalia; Ngardi; Ngarinjin; Ngarla; Niabali; Nimanburu; Njamal; Njangamarda; Njikena; Njulnjul; Ola; Ongkomi; Pandjima; Pintubi; Pitjandjara; Potidjara; Punaba; Talandji; Tunuvivi; Umede; Wadjari; Walmadjari; Walpiri; Wandjira; Wanman; Warwa; Wardaman; Wenamba; Wenambal; Whadjuk; Wilawila; Wirangu; Wirdinja; Wirngir; Wogait; Worora; Wunambal.

CreatorDr Joseph Benjamin Birdsell
ControlAA 689/9/17
Date Range1952  -  1954
Quantity 64cm,   3   Albox boxes and one black folder with index
Series AA689/09