Location: At Boorabbin and Southern Cross; east to Bullabulling, north to Youanmi, Lake Barlee, and Pigeon Rocks; west to Burracoppin, Mukinbudin, Kalannie, and Lake Moore; south to about Mount Holland in the Parker Range. A term Jawan is applied to northwestern portions of tribe from north of Mukinbudin.
Co-ordinates: 119°0'E x 30°20'S
Area: 33,900 sq. m. (88,000 sq. km.)
References: Adam in Curr, 1886; Tindale, 1940, 1966 MS; Gould and Gould, 1968; Douglas, MS (Public Lib. of W.A. doc. 342, pp. 14-15 [Southern Cross district place names] and doc. 436).
Alternative Names: Ka'la:mai, Kalamaya, Kalamai (valid short form), Jungaa (means 'men'), Jungal, Yungar, Youngar, Youngal, Takalako (Njakinjaki term), Njindango, Natingero, Jawan (name for their northwestern hordes), Jaburu (means north), Yabro (poor spelling of Jaburu).