Location: East side of Lake Alexandrina and Murray River from Loveday Bay to Mobilong; on Narrung peninsula; east to Meningie and Cookes Plains (more than fifteen hordes). Indicated as 5 on SE map. The name is said to have originated in the phrase 'Jarawalangan?' 'Where shall we go?' said by a people who arrived on the seashore at the mouth of the Murray River from the interior, and did not know how to go on. The name Narrinyeri as used by Taplin is a general term for several tribes. His data when checked appears to belong principally to this tribe but the equating of Narrinyeri with Yaralde (Australian Encyclopedia, 1958) is wrong. The term Narinjeri means 'belonging to men.'
Co-ordinates: 139°20'E x 35°30'S
Area: 500 sq. m. (1,300 sq. km.)
References: Penny, 1840 MS; Meyer, 1843, 1846; Taplin, 1872, 1873, 1878, 1879, and MS; Taplin in Fison, 1874; Taplin in Smyth, 1878; East, 1889; Eylmann, 1910; Black, 1917; Brown, 1918; Tindale, 1926-1941 MS, 1935, 1940; Tindale and Mountford, 1936; Tindale and Lindsay, 1963; Berndt, 1940 (3 papers), 1941, 1965; Harvey, 1943; Berndt and Berndt, 1965.
Alternative Names: Jaralde (valid alternative; short form), Jarildikald, Yarilde, Yaralde, Yarrildie, Jaraldi, Yarildewallin (Jaralde speech), Yalawarre, Lakalinyeri (horde at Point McLeay), Warawalde (a northern horde at Nalpa), 'Piccanini Murray people.'