Location: East and northeast of Lakes Carnegie and Wells; west of Lake Gillen, probably to about Timperley Range; southward to Ernest Giles Range. Their extension northward was to an unidentified place called Manggudu in the general vicinity south of the Hutton Range. The Browne Range may be near their undefined eastern limits. An important watering place was Tjilka:li, not yet identified, probably on the north side of Lake Gillen (it is perhaps the Alexander Spring on maps). It was a ceremonial place of the Wati kutjara tjukurupa. The western hordes have a descriptive name ['I:nabandanggural] for themselves. Some hordes moved southwest to near Wiluna in 1930, appearing from the east at Cunyu ['Kunju] (120°5'E x 26°1'S.) suffering from effects of drought in their home areas. Their normal refuge in drought was ['Kadidi], a large pool with Eucalyptus trees, i.e., a ['minggul] of the ['ilba] or goana totem, north of Lake Carnegie, near Lake Buchanan (not identified on map). Other hordes moving east were the people who appeared in distress from shortages of water at Warupuju in the Warburton Ranges in August 1935. Their arrival was recorded in the 16mm. Films of the University of Adelaide Anthropological Expedition of that year.
Co-ordinates: 124°15'E x 25°50'S
Area: 20,000 sq. m. (52,000 sq. km.)
References: Tindale, 1935 MS, 1937, 1940, 1953 MS, 1957 MS, 1966 MS; Stocker and Tindale, 1935 (16mm. films); Birdsell, 1953 MS; Epling, 1953 MS; Berndt, 1956.
Alternative Names: Ngan:adjara (alternative form of name), Nangandjara, Nangaridjara, Nona, I:nabadanggural (descriptive name for western hordes), Nganadjara and Jumudjara (Ngadadjara terms), Ngatari (i.e., 'strangers,' said of those who appeared in Ngadadjara territory in August 1935 at Warapuju, Warburton Ranges), Kalgoneidjara (name used by Ngadadjara for several tribal groups near them), Kalgonei, Kalguni.