Location: Along Canning Stock Route between Well 30, n.n. ['Tjundu'tjundu] and Well 38, n.n. ['Watjaparni]; south about 50 miles (80 km.) to a hill called Tjanbari, not yet identified, and unidentified waters called Kolajuru, Karukada, Keweilba, and Kunkunba; northward only a few miles from the line of the Stock Route to unidentified places called Tjam:ala and Maindu; eastward no farther than about Longitude 126°E to an unlocalized water known as Ngila. In 1964 W. B. MacDougall found a party of nine women at Imiri on Percival Lakes who used the above tribal designation. A tribal shift, following European occupation, has led many of these people to the coast and to Hall Creek where they have been studied sometimes as if they were indigenous there; they must not be confused with the Mandjindja from south of the Warburton Ranges.
Co-ordinates: 125°5'E x 22°35'S
Area: 8,700 sq. m. (22,600 sq. km.)
References: Tindale, 1953 MS, 1963, 1964 MS; Birdsell, 1954 MS; Jensen, 1957; O'Grady, 1958 MS; Lindquist, 1961; Berndt, 1964; MacDougall, 1964 verb. comm.
Alternative Names: Mandjiltjara, Mantjiltjara, Mandjildara, Mantjildjara, Manjiljara.